Sustainable Tourism in Bali: Balancing Preservation and Growth

- Jurnalis

Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 15:33 WIB

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There are concerns about the impact of tourism on Bali's water resources, as well as the strain that large numbers of tourists can put on cultural sites and natural attractions.

There are concerns about the impact of tourism on Bali's water resources, as well as the strain that large numbers of tourists can put on cultural sites and natural attractions.

Bali, Indonesia is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, with its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. However, the rapid growth of tourism in Bali has led to concerns about sustainability and the impact on the island’s environment and culture. As a result, efforts have been made to promote sustainable tourism practices that balance preservation with economic growth.

One of the key ways that sustainable tourism is being promoted in Bali is through the development of eco-tourism. This approach emphasizes low-impact tourism activities that focus on preserving the natural environment and supporting local communities. Examples of eco-tourism activities in Bali include hiking in national parks, birdwatching, and visiting sustainable farms and fisheries.

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Another approach to sustainable tourism in Bali is the development of community-based tourism initiatives. These initiatives are designed to empower local communities and provide economic benefits while preserving cultural traditions and natural resources. For example, some communities have developed homestays and cultural tours that allow tourists to experience Balinese culture firsthand and support local businesses.

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In addition to these initiatives, there have been efforts to promote sustainable tourism practices among larger businesses and resorts in Bali. This includes the adoption of green practices such as reducing energy consumption and waste, supporting local suppliers, and investing in environmental conservation initiatives.

However, promoting sustainable tourism in Bali is not without its challenges. The rapid growth of tourism on the island has put pressure on infrastructure, resources, and local communities. There are concerns about the impact of tourism on Bali’s water resources, as well as the strain that large numbers of tourists can put on cultural sites and natural attractions.

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Overall, promoting sustainable tourism in Bali is essential for balancing preservation with economic growth. By promoting eco-tourism, community-based tourism initiatives, and green practices among larger businesses, Bali can continue to be a top tourist destination while preserving its natural and cultural treasures for future generations.

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